US Government changes warnings against Cholesterol

The advisory panel for the U.S Government is going to change their caution about eating high cholesterol foods. They state that cholesterol is not longer a nutrient to watch for, as excessive cholesterol intake does not seem to affect the level of cholesterol in blood or increase risk of any heart related diseases.

Of course this is no surprise to those who partake in the high-fat diet, as eggs and other foods high in cholesterol were always given the green light. However, it seems the new guidelines are evolving, a little slower than some would like, with the science.

This is a small victory for high-fat diets and hopefully one less thing that needs to be explained when someone says something about how much cholesterol you are eating.


Here are a few articles related to this new change:

Chicago Tribune – U.S. Poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol in diet

CBSNEWS – Everything you knew about cholesterol could change; Cholesterol-laden foods might not be so bad after all

The Washington Post – Should I binge on eggs for breakfast? Here’s what you need to know

HuffPost – The way we think about cholesterol could soon change